Dates are recorded using the Rlvako calendar.
Kerav settled; Keravakke split from Southern nomads
Nomadic polities (mostly nomadic herders from the Rljadan steppe, some from different regions of the continent) from surrounding nations unite, forming a large community (later Rlvakke) that will soon become Rlvako.
Pyvaja settled + founded. The new polity settles around the modern Rljada/Varada border, closer to the flatlands, and creates a small city.
The country Rlvako is founded, with Pyvaja as its capital. The population begins to expand out. There is currently no government and the nation is decentralised, essentially functioning as several allied city-states.
Varadanak (future Varada), the agricultural heart of Rlvako, begins providing for neighbouring countries without guidance from [[Greater Rlvako]]. Varadanak becomes a little more independent + begins to form own cultural identity. The increased Varadanak production and exports cause an economic upswing throughout Rlvako.
K'aavjo kingdom founded; empire begins expanding out from East K'aavjo
K'aavjo begins exporting ore to Rlvako + importing fabrics from Rlvako. This causes major cultural exchange and increased interest in each other.
Minor CWD outbreak in K'aavjo. It goes relatively undetected, and infected reindeer cross into Rlvako. A pandemic spreads through Rlvako, leaving humans uninfected but wiping out a large chunk of the reindeer population. Disaster for reindeer and reindeer herders
Industrial revolution begins
Rljadana surpasses Varadanak in industrial output.
Vallu founded. It is a small mining outpost rich in iron.
Rlvaky spelling reform
K'aavjo invasion of Rlvako
South K'aavjo is integrated into the Rlvako empire. East K'aavjo also loses some land (two towns, including one minor trade hub)
Akki Sankoja is born
Trade between Rlvako + K'aavjo reaches pre-war levels. Diplomatic tensions decrease.
Rlvako establishes military bases in east Kerav
K'aavjo occupation of Kerav
The Steel War, A brief Rlvako-K'aavjo war over disputed (Kerav) territory containing natural resources. It was very very unpopular in Rlvako, where people wanted to maintain a friendship with K'aavjo. Rlvako loses.
Population boom in Vallu, now a small mining town. Over the next few decades it becomes a major city and trade centre.
Rlvako attempts in invade K'aavjo.
Minne Tserika is born
Rlvako Revolution: Kyhke, a revolutionary organisation, assassinate the president and most of her government, then create a new government with the surviving members, who give in to their demands.
988 massacres
Rlvako split: Varada secedes from Rlvako, the remainder of which renames itself Rljada, after the steppe. Some historically Kerav regions and South K'aavjo are returned to their former countries.
Vallu is designated as the Rljadan capital.
In an effort to industrialise, Rljada converts large sections of the steppe to agricultural regions, displacing some nomads and pushing them into agricultural professions. Varada quickly denounces that and sets up more robust trade deals with Rljada to discourage it.
Rljada is still unstable and shaky on its feet, so Varadan agents take the opportunity to kick the Kyhke government out. Rljada is a bit put out by this but it takes the opportunity to set up a multi-party system to avoid a single party gaining too much power again. At this point a lot of Rljadans are getting weary of their baby sibling meddling in their internal affairs.
K'aavjo becomes a constitutional monarchy. Wishing to prevent violent revolution, the K'aavjo king surrenders some power, but retains control over the K'aavjo military, as well as remaining a prominent figurehead for the nation.
Korin Haivka is born
Corbett Pninka is born
Hatken initiates a terrorist attack on Vallu city hospital
1030s Rljadan inflation
Hatken becomes a minor political party in the Rljadan govt
Hatken initates a coup and takes over the Rljadan government. Varada is internally screaming but doesn't immediately do anything.
Rljadan Civil War